*JavascriptでPukiwikiの入力支援 [#v2287d5a]

++3rd partyのattachrefを使えば出来そうですね・・・。
++スマイリー実装済みです。rules.inc.phpで定義してあるスマイリーがtextare下部に表示され、クリックで挿入されます。&new{2004-08-07 (土) 20:54:51};
+オマケフィールド2つ追加(&new{2004-08-07 (土) 20:54:51};):カテゴリー分けをしている人や、レビュー(感想・書評)系コンテンツを管理している人には便利なフィールドです。ハードコードされていますが、デフォルトでは'':Category/''と'':Rating/''以下のページがエイリアス付きで選択できます。 ~
例: :Category/Movie というページは
:|&ref(pukiwiki-js-support1.0.zip); - &new{2004-08-07 (土) 20:54:51};

**Comments [#n4efc4c2]
-Xoops版のB-wiki用にハックしたファイルをPukiwikiへちょっと手直しをして持ってきただけです。^^;本当は、スマイリー用の関数とかもあるんですけど…Pukiwiki用に直すのが面倒なので削ってあります。 -- [[Olorin]] &new{2004-03-28 (日) 19:07:31};
-まだ試していないのですが、スマイリーいいなぁ。 -- [[upk]] &new{2004-03-30 (火) 01:44:42};
-MozillaFirefoxではボタンの上にカーソルを持っていっても指にならないのは何故?MozillaFirefoxはcursor:に対応していますが…。 -- [[Ratbeta]] &new{2004-03-30 (火) 11:52:50};
-XHTML 1.1ではaタグにname属性は使えません。id属性を使用してください。また、onclickを指定する場合はonkeypressも指定することが[[アクセス指針技術文書4.12.2>http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-TECHS/#scripts]]で求められています。--  &new{2004-03-30 (火) 18:54:02};
--html.php 191行目
 -          <div class="odd"><a name='moresmiley'></a><img onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"' src='./image/url.gif' alt='url' onclick='bwikiCodeUrl("contents", "Enter the URL of the link you want to add:", "Enter the web site title:");' />&nbsp;<img onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"' src='./image/email.gif' alt='email' onclick='javascript:xoopsCodeEmail("contents", "Enter the email address you want to add.");' />&nbsp;<img onclick='javascript:bwikiCodeImg("contents", "Enter the URL of the image you want to add.", "Now, enter the position of the image.", "&#039;R&#039; or &#039;r&#039; for right, &#039;L&#039; or &#039;l&#039; for left, or leave it blank.", "ERROR! Enter the position of the image.");' onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"' src='./image/imgsrc.gif' alt='imgsrc' />&nbsp;<img src='./image/code.gif' onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"' alt='code' onclick='javascript:bwikiCodeCode("contents", "Enter the codes that you want to add.");' /><br />
 +          <div class="odd"><a id='moresmiley'></a><img onmouseover='style.cursor="pointer"' src='./image/url.gif' alt='url' onclick='bwikiCodeUrl("contents", "Enter the URL of the link you want to add:", "Enter the web site title:");' />&nbsp;<img onmouseover='style.cursor="pointer"' src='./image/email.gif' alt='email' onclick='javascript:xoopsCodeEmail("contents", "Enter the email address you want to add.");' onkeypress='javascript:xoopsCodeEmail("contents", "Enter the email address you want to add.");' />&nbsp;<img onclick='javascript:bwikiCodeImg("contents", "Enter the URL of the image you want to add.", "Now, enter the position of the image.", "&#039;R&#039; or &#039;r&#039; for right, &#039;L&#039; or &#039;l&#039; for left, or leave it blank.", "ERROR! Enter the position of the image.");' onkeypress='javascript:bwikiCodeImg("contents", "Enter the URL of the image you want to add.", "Now, enter the position of the image.", "&#039;R&#039; or &#039;r&#039; for right, &#039;L&#039; or &#039;l&#039; for left, or leave it blank.", "ERROR! Enter the position of the image.");' onmouseover='style.cursor="pointer"' src='./image/imgsrc.gif' alt='imgsrc' />&nbsp;<img src='./image/code.gif' onmouseover='style.cursor="pointer"' alt='code' onclick='javascript:bwikiCodeCode("contents", "Enter the codes that you want to add.");' /><br />
 -<div class="odd"><a name='moresmiley'></a><img onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"' src='./image/url.gif' alt='url' onclick='bwikiCodeUrl("contents", "Enter the URL of the link you want to add:", "Enter the web site title:");' />&nbsp;<img onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"' src='./image/email.gif' alt='email' onclick='javascript:xoopsCodeEmail("contents", "Enter the email address you want to add.");' />&nbsp;<img onclick='javascript:bwikiCodeImg("contents", "Enter the URL of the image you want to add.", "Now, enter the position of the image.", "&#039;R&#039; or &#039;r&#039; for right, &#039;L&#039; or &#039;l&#039; for left, or leave it blank.", "ERROR! Enter the position of the image.");' onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"' src='./image/imgsrc.gif' alt='imgsrc' />&nbsp;<img src='./image/code.gif' onmouseover='style.cursor="hand"' alt='code' onclick='javascript:bwikiCodeCode("contents", "Enter the codes that you want to add.");' /><br />
 +<div class="odd"><a id='moresmiley'></a><img onmouseover='style.cursor="pointer"' src='./image/url.gif' alt='url' onclick='bwikiCodeUrl("contents", "Enter the URL of the link you want to add:", "Enter the web site title:");' />&nbsp;<img onmouseover='style.cursor="pointer"' src='./image/email.gif' alt='email' onclick='javascript:xoopsCodeEmail("contents", "Enter the email address you want to add.");' onkeypress='javascript:xoopsCodeEmail("contents", "Enter the email address you want to add.");' />&nbsp;<img onclick='javascript:bwikiCodeImg("contents", "Enter the URL of the image you want to add.", "Now, enter the position of the image.", "&#039;R&#039; or &#039;r&#039; for right, &#039;L&#039; or &#039;l&#039; for left, or leave it blank.", "ERROR! Enter the position of the image.");' onkeypress='javascript:bwikiCodeImg("contents", "Enter the URL of the image you want to add.", "Now, enter the position of the image.", "&#039;R&#039; or &#039;r&#039; for right, &#039;L&#039; or &#039;l&#039; for left, or leave it blank.", "ERROR! Enter the position of the image.");' onmouseover='style.cursor="pointer"' src='./image/imgsrc.gif' alt='imgsrc' />&nbsp;<img src='./image/code.gif' onmouseover='style.cursor="pointer"' alt='code' onclick='javascript:bwikiCodeCode("contents", "Enter the codes that you want to add.");' /><br />
-部分編集するとページが全て書き換えられてしまいました。心臓に悪い。 -- [[ははは]] &new{2004-03-31 (水) 00:06:33};
-指摘していただいた件…未修正です…ヤル気なくて済みません>ははは さん
&br;最後に、リリースするには適当過ぎるコーディングですが、とりあえず使えますので…お許しください。-- [[Olorin]] &new{2004-08-07 (土) 20:54:51};


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