* This site is crazy :) http://blogs.devleap.com/members/ikysoyyle.aspx porno lolita 17  I know that's a lot to swallow, but did I miss something?  I never saw it go all the way in.  Nose to the wall is where it's at when we really deep throat.  She is good and she is hot alright though.  Just a little disappointed about her not actually taking it deeeeeep.  I guess she doesn't have a taste for cum either. [#eabf0953]
 http://moodle.irrelombardia.it/user/view.php?id=15712&course=1 your 1000 lolita  What gets me is how race is still interjected with good porn, interracial porn is almost as old as porn itself, it's nothing new.
 http://www.communityofsweden.com/members/profile/?user=63571 13 girl lolita  well i think we all agree if i say, he is hot asswel, to bad he left his shirt on
 http://www.netvibes.com/todylucec#Illegal_young_lolita_pedo tgp loli top 12  Fucking LOVE the body on this blonde - and a super pussy and asshole to eat out.  Wouldn't mind fucking the guy either for that matter -
 http://blogs.rediff.com/edykebeh loli 17 years models  Honestly, what is that second song? I've searched for the lyrics on Google, and to no avail! If anyone knows let me know.
* CGIモードのPHPに対応するためデフォルト認証方式をForm認証にしたい [#rd320a19]

- ページ: [[BugTrack2]]
- 投稿者: [[Xmlwxjcq]]
- 優先順位: ????
- 状態: ´°???
- カテゴリー: ?????????????????
- 投稿日: 2012-04-24 (火) 05:40:13
- バージョン: 60
- 投稿者: [[umorigu]]
- 優先順位: 低
- 状態: 完了
- カテゴリー: その他
- 投稿日: 2016-02-13 (土) 03:31:38
- バージョン: 1.5.0
- リリース予定バージョン: 1.5.1

** メッセージ [#b1770e6f]
This site is crazy :) http://blogs.devleap.com/members/ikysoyyle.aspx porno lolita 17  I know that's a lot to swallow, but did I miss something?  I never saw it go all the way in.  Nose to the wall is where it's at when we really deep throat.  She is good and she is hot alright though.  Just a little disappointed about her not actually taking it deeeeeep.  I guess she doesn't have a taste for cum either.
 http://moodle.irrelombardia.it/user/view.php?id=15712&course=1 your 1000 lolita  What gets me is how race is still interjected with good porn, interracial porn is almost as old as porn itself, it's nothing new.
 http://www.communityofsweden.com/members/profile/?user=63571 13 girl lolita  well i think we all agree if i say, he is hot asswel, to bad he left his shirt on
 http://www.netvibes.com/todylucec#Illegal_young_lolita_pedo tgp loli top 12  Fucking LOVE the body on this blonde - and a super pussy and asshole to eat out.  Wouldn't mind fucking the guy either for that matter -
 http://blogs.rediff.com/edykebeh loli 17 years models  Honestly, what is that second song? I've searched for the lyrics on Google, and to no avail! If anyone knows let me know.
** メッセージ [#q7b4578d]



** 実装 [#ue5baa5f]

- [[commit:132ca2801d08f4c056d0f8c2888f67cd76d44710]]

- 対応しました -- [[umorigu]] &new{2016-02-13 (土) 03:44:35};
- この更新を見て気になったのですが、''PKWK_READONLY''機能([[BugTrack/744]])とのすり合わせをしなくてもいいのでしょうか?機能概要の「内部的にいくつかのロジックが無効になります。 」に認証関連が含まれており、''PKWK_READONLY''設定が有効ならば''AUTH_TYPE_NONE''で$auth_typeを上書きして全てのケースで失敗させる($auth_user = ''; にするdefault: // AUTH_TYPE_NONE へ飛ばす)、というロジックも必要になりそうな気がするのですが --  &new{2016-02-13 (土) 18:42:40};
- 1.5.0での動作を見ました。PKWK_READONLY が 1 の場合常に認証に失敗するんですね。どんなユースケースを想定したものだろう... -- [[umorigu]] &new{2016-03-01 (火) 03:48:37};
- ミラーとかリードオンリーとかでも閲覧認証は使いたいという目的が無い限りは、追加の通信処理や入力のハッシュ計算チェックをすること自体が[[負荷対策>BugTrack/763]]からするとムダになりそうとか、穴になるかもしれないものをとにかく塞げるようにしておく([[official:PukiWiki/Errata#qc33ad6f]])とか、…なのかな?(henohenoさんに聞くほうが早いかも) --  &new{2016-03-01 (火) 22:23:45};
- Basic認証、Form認証の場合にはこれまでと挙動はほぼ同じ(認証画面が表示されるが認証には必ず失敗し、コンテンツは閲覧できない)なので、1.5.1ではこのままとします。将来的には認証は有効にしてもよさそうに思います -- [[umorigu]] &new{2016-03-02 (水) 00:22:48};


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