* How long are you planning to stay here? http://www.yhfchat.com/yudaycij best lollie lolita clips  Okay. When I watch a video like this a few things matter. One of them is, the guy has to have at least a decent looking cock (no homo). Sure it doesn't matter because I'm watching the lady. However, if I am grossed out by what she is fucking, it completely turns me off. IMO, uncircumcised cock is fucking disgusting. How women can be attracted to that, I do not know. Guys, get that disgusting fucking foreskin cut off. It serves no purpose and is very unsanitary if you ask me. This video was a win, until she pulled his dick out. Now it's a complete fail. I am told I have a sexy looking dick, so when I watch POV (which is supposed to make you feel like you are there) then I expect the pornstar to have one as well. Sorry for the rant guys. [#ue255568]
* 公式サイトURLの変更 pukiwiki.sourceforge.jp → pukiwiki.osdn.jp [#ka732beb]

- ページ: [[BugTrack2]]
- 投稿者: [[Kaden]]
- 優先順位: ????
- 状態: ??????±
- カテゴリー: ????????????×????°??????
- 投稿日: 2013-04-18 (木) 21:39:57
- バージョン: 28
- 投稿者: [[umorigu]]
- 優先順位: 低
- 状態: 完了
- カテゴリー: その他
- 投稿日: 2015-07-14 (火) 05:59:22
- バージョン: 1.5.0
- リリース予定バージョン: 1.5.1

** メッセージ [#da304bc7]
How long are you planning to stay here? http://www.yhfchat.com/yudaycij best lollie lolita clips  Okay. When I watch a video like this a few things matter. One of them is, the guy has to have at least a decent looking cock (no homo). Sure it doesn't matter because I'm watching the lady. However, if I am grossed out by what she is fucking, it completely turns me off. IMO, uncircumcised cock is fucking disgusting. How women can be attracted to that, I do not know. Guys, get that disgusting fucking foreskin cut off. It serves no purpose and is very unsanitary if you ask me. This video was a win, until she pulled his dick out. Now it's a complete fail. I am told I have a sexy looking dick, so when I watch POV (which is supposed to make you feel like you are there) then I expect the pornstar to have one as well. Sorry for the rant guys.
** メッセージ [#sf4e3063]
ホスティングサイトの sourceforge.jp が osdn.jp に変わったのでソース上のURLも変更を行います。


*** 実装 [#mc6918bd]

- [[commit:a24d8ca5ba804184fc661fcc14694e7596354a57]]
- [[commit:cba71a233dea5937b0269361522caaaa42ab7067]]

- 公式サイトや開発サイトのトップやInterWikiNameなども、あわせてお願いしたく・・・・・。現状ではリダイレクトが効いているので問題なささそうですが、リダイレクトサービスが終了した後にパッケージファイルどこ~?となると面倒なので --  &new{2015-07-14 (火) 18:53:34};
- はい。公式サイトのリンクも変更します -- [[umorigu]] &new{2015-07-14 (火) 22:41:06};
- 対応しました -- [[umorigu]] &new{2016-01-27 (水) 02:20:08};


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