* Could you give me some smaller notes? http://connect.masslive.com/user/iporujoby/index.html lolita cp pay sites  This gal is Isabella Amore and she is a gorgeous gal. It's too bad she inked herself with a butt tattoo. Hopefully she does not get any more tattoos or have any surgery alterations. Her body is simply gorgeous in its natural form.  I like her shaven lips.  Very nice defined lips.  Worth licking.  She looks great with the long dark brown hair versus the short red-brown hair she sported in another video.  The long hair defines her better.  Thank you for posting. [#m7b77e2e]
* counterプラグインのエラーメッセージのtypo [#z1373100]

- ページ: [[BugTrack2]]
- 投稿者: [[Diana]]
- 優先順位: ????
- 状態: CVS????????
- カテゴリー: ?????????????????
- 投稿日: 2013-08-13 (火) 19:27:26
- バージョン: 86
- 投稿者: [[河本陽一]]
- 優先順位: 低
- 状態: 完了
- カテゴリー: プラグイン
- 投稿日: 2014-09-23 (火) 09:43:27
- バージョン: 1.5.0
- リリース予定バージョン: 1.5.1

** メッセージ [#r310e6a1]
Could you give me some smaller notes? http://connect.masslive.com/user/iporujoby/index.html lolita cp pay sites  This gal is Isabella Amore and she is a gorgeous gal. It's too bad she inked herself with a butt tattoo. Hopefully she does not get any more tattoos or have any surgery alterations. Her body is simply gorgeous in its natural form.  I like her shaven lips.  Very nice defined lips.  Worth licking.  She looks great with the long dark brown hair versus the short red-brown hair she sported in another video.  The long hair defines her better.  Thank you for posting.
** メッセージ [#p8829934]

- この部分ですね。CVSのRevision 1.16(タグ:r1_4_6_rc)で、[[BugTrack2/20]]のループバグ解消ついでに内部のフルパスが露出しないよう変更した時からなのか。 --  &new{2014-09-23 (火) 19:44:25};
	$fp = fopen($file, file_exists($file) ? 'r+' : 'w+')
		or die('counter.inc.php: Cannot open COUTER_DIR/' . basename($file));
- 修正しました [[branch_r1_5>osdn.jp:projects/pukiwiki/scm/git/pukiwiki/commits?branch=branch_r1_5]] -- [[umorigu]] &new{2016-01-21 (木) 22:00:03};


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